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The pool is high he is not feeding

Author: Time:2021-11-0558 second

Information summary:  The pool is high he is not feedingThe water temperature is close to 34 degrees.Feeding, afraid of koi to get sick, dont feed it, I am afraid that the koi is h...., stingray bab, stick to, aquarium fis, FSFT 11-12 flag tail.The pool is high he is not feeding

  The pool is high he is not feedingThe water temperature is close to 34 degrees.Feeding, afraid of koi to get sick, dont feed it, I am afraid that the koi is hungry.Water is so clear, I cant help but I want to feed it in the morning and evening!Looking at the koi jumping up and snatch, the mood is good!

  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =



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