Chanthaburi2 arowana fish price How to solve a problem like whitespot?
arowana fish price How to solve a problem like whitespot?
Whitespot is a potentially lethal disease. Here’s how to understand and treat it.To find out more -->Click here
One of the most visible goldfish health problems has a very common cause. Take our advice to find out what to do if your goldfish starts to turn upside down.
To find out more -->Click here
>Thanks Big Brother.
Get to understand and learn the cause of problem,
Prevent it happen are better than cure.
>Thanks for sharing with me on this info. Thumb up, bro.
>thanks.. very informative...
>thanks spino for the information on white spots as its a common prob
>Does it happen to ray as well? If so way of treatment will it be the same?
>Originally Posted by Shawnsp Does it happen to ray as well? If so way of treatment will it be the same? For ray u need to be really very carefully as its very sensitive to water
i did a mistake last time on my Sp ray, i add salt directly causing it to burn and die the next day
what u can do is put the salt in yr sump to desolve and then increase the temperature to 30-32.
then do wc once a day 40-50% or maybe lesser if its ray just for safety
My 5 cent of understanding
>Sorry, for the whitespot, how long would it take to recover if reg WC? any bros experienced before?
>Commonly 3 to 5 days for white spot treatment but subjected to the severity of white spot disease. Some severe case may take longer than a week and some cases of fish die during treatment.
Precaution always better than cure, avoid sudden fluctuate of temperature that will deteriorate the fish’s immune system and easily contacted with virus under bad water condition.
The easiest way to contact virus is by adding the new arrival fishes into the existing residential tank without quarantine.
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