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Chanthaburi2 My Best COMM ever kept

+60 12 335 1568

Chanthaburi2 My Best COMM ever kept


My Best COMM ever kept

browsing through my hp and saw this video. Never showed this to anyone before. this is the moment im crazy over ST and GH. due to ibs, i kept buying new fishes and keep changing my lifestocks. Nevertheless this is 1 of my best stocks i ever kept. ENJOY fish keeping!
2 ST, 3 GHXB, 1 XB, 1 PAIR BD, 1 TIG, 1 IT
Nice comm bro.
>Nice comm bro. Love those STs.. big sized and fat.. up there. LIKE
>Very nice sym fork barST pui it.
>Jaw dropping comm! Wow.
>Very impressive comm, bro. Am also drooling at it.
>nice comm HEHE
>Solid comm bro... But ever? You mean u decomm already? What a waste...
>Originally Posted by Revolution8789 Solid comm bro... But ever? You mean u decomm already? What a waste... Haha understand wat u mean bro. I just wanna experience keeping this variety of fishes. After all its still fish keeping. Enjoy wat u do most.
>Very very nice com tank
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